Maple West Aero Ltd

New customer registration form:

Please provide all the information requested in the form.

Terms and Conditions:

  • By submitting this form you agree that Maple West Aero Ltd (MWA) will conduct the work agreed upon each work order and you will pay for said work. Written communication requesting work is required prior to commencing. Inspections are completed before repairs are carried out. Any repairs required will be discussed with you before they are carried out and billed by the hour. We will do our best to keep flying fun and affordable for you.

  • Not included in the inspections/ maintenance work are: oil and filters, any other parts required, shop supplies, taxes, travel time, shipping, import fees etc.

  • If required, bi-annual altimetry and transponder checks, as well as ELT recertification are subcontracted out and will be added to the invoice with no markup.

  • For a fee we can do an inventory of the contents of your aircraft, otherwise, we are NOT responsible for items left in the aircraft. If items are removable then we ask that you take them with you when leaving your aircraft with us.

  • Pursuant to CAR 625 Appendix H owners are responsible to ensure their aircraft meets the requirements of any Airworthiness Directives applicable to their aircraft. CAR 625 Appendix B Information Note (i) states: “…any references in those checklists concerning compliance with Airworthiness Directives must be stricken out as not applicable, as it is the owner's responsibility to advise the AME of any outstanding Airworthiness Directives or airworthiness limitations.” Only ADs requested by the owner/ operator will be accomplished during maintenance work.

  • Aircraft owners are responsible to maintain technical records as per CAR 605.92. Maintenance of technical records by Maple West Aero is available and billed at shop rate. MWA will not store your technical records. All maintenance releases come with the appropriate stickers for your technical records to make maintaining your own records quick and simple.

  • Maintenance on your aircraft is NOT complete until you receive a dated and signed logbook entry for the work accomplished. Invoices must be paid in full before your aircraft will be released to you. You have a 5 day grace period after your invoice has been e-mailed to you to pay it in full. After the 5 day grace period you will be charged a 15% late fee and assessed a $25/day storage/ security fee for your aircraft (if necessary). We do not guarantee or imply that your aircraft will be stored inside during bad weather if your payment is late.

  • Travel to non CYPK locations by road travel is billed at the regular shop rate based on the Google Maps estimated travel time. Travel by airline is billed at regular shop rate from 2 hours before the scheduled departure time until 1 hour after the actual arrival time of the flight. Further travel by road follows the Google Maps estimate.

  • Acceptable payment methods: cash, e-transfer, credit card (available upon initial issuance of invoice only). Personal cheques are only accepted if bank certified and pre-arranged.

    Shop Rate: $138/hr plus tax in CYPK or $148/hr plus tax on away from base maintenance